[What I Dig Out!]
The Dillinger Escape Plan - 1999 - Calculating Infinity
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It's "Sarah, Where Is My Tea?"!
[Recommend By Others]
Genetics - 2015 - Cognitive Dissonance
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幾首高流暢又spoken word帶情緒如emo,在progressive rock這部分作的不錯,融合著bright & dark,氛圍上很似之前有聽過的天主教祈禱文+金屬,只是假裝metal的部分不過是modern chugging metalcore,聽起來digital以外還有些笨。
[What I Dig Out! / Band: nowHere AKA Trey the Ruler AKA Trey Hales]
Trey the Ruler - 2013 - Hell Is Under My Hair
Trey the Ruler - 2013 - The Casket I've Always Wanted
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"So while our friends dwelled on being and going “no-where”, we decided to embrace the idea of being “now-here” and ended up having a hell of a vacation."~Trey Hales
今天還發現有趣的詞較「slam poetry」,原來Trey以前一直都在搞這個成名的,後來才和My Iron Lung吉他手碰上,加上優美的配樂才變這樣。
[Band: nowHere AKA Trey the Ruler AKA Trey Hales]
Trey the Ruler - 2015 - It's All Down Hell from Here
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今天續聽Trey Hales的這張,非常喜歡《Creative Drug》這首密集的緊湊感。不得不說,單純Trey的聲音比起nowHere這個加上配樂的作品還要壓迫、滿有情緒,更讓我喜愛。加了配樂似乎不只脫慢了比較low的部分,連高潮的部分也不是很給立。
[Genre: Riot Grrrl]
VA - 1993 - Raooul & Skinned Teen - Jail Bait Core/Bazzoka Smooth Split
Raooul - 1993 - Fresh And Nubile
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Raooul在音樂元素上有著強烈hardcore punk影響,儘管晚了20多年,這群叛逆的幫派女孩讓我在他們與Skinned Teen合輯中有很大的吸引力。其實這群Riot Grrrl我認為是延續proto-punk那時的精神,像Petti Smith一樣,只是怪了,怎麼晚了幾十年才冒出頭。
[What I Dig Out: label]
Slampt Underground Organisation
Outpunk Records
[What I Dig Out!]
Sundressed - 2014 - Dig Up A Miracle *
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因為這團是一個很正向的emo/indie,還有些country,聽上去非常舒服、光亮,比起pop punk的無腦陳腔濫調或是emo搭上alternative有些黑暗的味道,這個樂團讓人聽了心情大好。
[New Album]
Ignite - 2016 - A War Against You
Blind Oracle - 2016 - Between Blade & Flesh
Four Five - 2016 - Through The Darkness *
American Cutthroat - 2016 - Saints
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Ignite有別於當道的post-rock/melodic hardcore或是Bad Religion、Social Distortion的這掛,他融合大量熱血hard rock元素以及相同令人興奮的melodic hardcore,還有大量alternative metal成分,說真的不是很喜歡。
Blind Oracle吉他掃弦部分真的是很讚,可是整體說還是有點瘦弱,氛圍部分做的不夠、也太多chugging了。結論還是,不優。
這支中國metalcore團Four Five光封面就很威,音樂也是蠻有趣的,不落俗套的metalcore搭上交響還有些吼腔碎嘴的部分,在deathcore反而比較常見,裡面聽到中文歌詞覺得好親切啊!
我一開始聽American Cutthroat以為這不是deathcore,也許那些emotional的post rock/indie rock可以和hardcore扯上點邊,post rock/indie rock + deathcore唱腔,這似乎和些black metal有些相似,只是真音的黑腔不免得應該說是screamo。只是到專輯後面我才發現端倪,儘管住需metalcore/deathcore很crappy,不過比BMTH第一張耐聽就是了。有些歌曲聽起來很The Bunny The Bear,像是《Daisies (New Hope)》。
[New Album]
Who Stole the Cookie From the Cookie Jar - 2016 - Avian Vassalage
Frequencies - 2016 - Journey
Etienne Sin - 2015 - Punk Goes CRUNK
Cunt Cuntly - 2016 - Beverly Pills
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至於Etienne Sin這張作品是去年發的,我晚了。不管怎麼說他一直堅持在嘻哈、電音這一塊跟modern metalcore的關聯,並沒有因為潮流改了什麼就隨波逐流,而且作品都是自己發行的,和那些大廠牌劃清界線,我覺得可說是最潮的DIY。非常敬佩。最後一個團Cunt Cuntly的《Beverly Pills》這張EP只有三首歌,其中兩手將Slayer、The Vamps作deathcore cover,聽起來力度十足,並不會太無趣。
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